Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Myspace about me section...

About me, huh? Wow that's a tough one.... Well I could say that my life is exactly like everybody else's; Were born, We learn, We Love, We laugh, We cry, We Die. Leaving behind a life full of lack lustre, bad decisions, false hopes, and unrealized Dreams. OR Living to the fullest experiencing all that
this fallen planet has to offer, giving our lives over to the one who Created us. Saying to our Creator, "I give
it all to You, because....I don't know what the Hell I'm doing." Me I fall in the middle, for now...till
one day suddenly my life will be frozen in history then the decision will be made how my life was lived....................Despite the previous paragraph I Really do find myself to be a Highly Positive person, and a helpless
romantic, and a fairly level headed individual. all these things I suppose are validated by the people around me
who say the same about me...................I Love humanity, I Love helping and giving people the benefit of the doubt. I love deep rooted friends, I love the abrasive nature of human interaction, either the slow polishing and refining of
relationships, or the pain and friction that causes us to learn how to propperly interact, or reinteract. I am fascinated
by communication in every venue and how it works. Music, written word, poetry, fiction, non fiction, preaching,
casual conversation, loving, hating, how it affects, the emotions it draws out. how I can make
an audible sound to you, you take it in understand it and react to it. To me it's another sign of intelligent Creation
and purpose, NOT happenstance.........................I try so hard to be real and true in everything (I fail constantly), but I try. I'm drawn to people who are
like minded, straight up say exactly what they think and what they want. Within reason of course, there are times
where diplomacy is needed or required, and there are times when a sharp tongue is exactly what is called for.....................Life is Extremely hard at the moment, trying to find where I belong and what im suppose to do.
I am learning a vast amount of lessons in life right now. Most are tough and hard to swallow.
Music I Love music, I love playing guitar, tinkering on the piano, playing the Bass, Singing (not very good at
any of these), listening to it, really listening to it.....................My Dreams are to live my life to the fullest extent it could be, mean
while along the way affecting, and infecting a infectious undeniable desire to do the same in others. Living a life that
after im gone invokes people to write books about my life. Not because im vain, or conceded, but I want my life to matter!
I love Drawing out of people, encouraging them to reach out and accept the challenge we've been given. Give our lives
over to the Great "I AM" and let him change the world through us, not in spite of us. (man i struggle with that one).....................I think most of the issues that make this planet a crazy place to exist can be solved in just a few sentences. Phil 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
John 13:34 Love one another as I have loved you.
Realizing these two emploring commands, in thier propper context. Would change the world.

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